GAP - definizione. Che cos'è GAP
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Cosa (chi) è GAP - definizione

GAP; Gap (disambiguation); Draft:Theory of Gaps

<mathematics, tool> Groups Algorithms and Programming. A system for symbolic mathematics for computational discrete algebra, especially group theory, by Johannes Meier, Alice Niemeyer, Werner Nickel, and Martin Schonert of Aachen. GAP was designed in 1986 and implemented 1987. Version 2.4 was released in 1988 and version 3.1 in 1992. gap">Sun version ( ["GAP 3.3 Manual, M. Schonert et al, Lehrstuhl D Math, RWTH Aachen, 1993]. (1995-04-12)
·vt To notch, as a sword or knife.
II. Gap ·vt To make an opening in; to Breach.
III. Gap ·add. ·noun The vertical distance between two superposed surfaces, ·esp. in a biplane.
IV. Gap ·noun An opening in anything made by breaking or parting; as, a gap in a fence; an opening for a passage or entrance; an opening which implies a breach or defect; a vacant space or time; a hiatus; a mountain pass.
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Gap or The Gap may refer to various openings, vacant spaces, lacks or pauses:

Esempi di pronuncia per GAP
1. "Achievement gap, achievement gap!"
2. gap.
Disrupting Transportation _ Stephanie Wiggins, Monique Earl & Delilah Lanoix _ Talks at Google
3. gap.
The Influence of Teachers _ John Merrow _ Talks at Google
4. called a gap here, an explanatory gap,
The Meta-Problem of Consciousness _ Professor David Chalmers _ Talks at Google
5. See that gap there? There's a gap,
Esempi dal corpus di testo per GAP
1. The monetary gap is not great, but the gap is significant in its essence.
2. There is a large gap between the dream and reality." That gap is only growing.
3. The ambition gap also reflected an underlying, and pronounced, cockiness gap.
4. This 18–point gap marks a severe deterioration from the 2–point gap six months ago.
5. "For 60 years now, the Education Ministry has conducted a policy of ‘gap management‘ – rather than gap solutions," said Dr.